Rosie Fasulo – KGF

Rosie Fasulo

Company Director

Before Karl Fasulo married Rosie Hooton, his idea of a great date night was a trip out to buy a classic car. Rosie recalls: “We would both do a full day at work (I was a recruitment consultant, he was working for BMW) and at 6pm, armed with a sandwich supper, we would set off, sometimes miles and miles away, to do a deal… and then drive all the way home again. This happened a lot! Not romantic perhaps, but we bonded during those long trips – we did a lot of talking, planning the future.”

The planning panned out – Karl decided to make the leap and turn his hobby into his business. Shortly afterwards, Rosie was going on maternity leave from her ‘real job’… and it quickly became clear she wouldn’t be going back! She adds: “KGF Classic Cars took off like a rocket – Karl was working all hours to make it a success and keep a roof over our heads. So I took over all the paperwork to give him time to source cars – and I am still doing the paperwork.

She continues, ruefully: “I am also kept busy ‘taxi-driving’ our children (Gina and Max) and keeping the office, kitchen and loo clean at the KGF Classic Cars site… running one’s own business can be so glamorous!”

Does she share her ‘petrol-head’ husband’s love of classic cars? “I have always loved cars,” she says. “One of my first jobs was as a temp receptionist at the BMW dealership – where I met Karl – and I loved the buzz of the place and the delight those vehicles brought their new owners. Smiley faces! Classics – and especially those hand-picked, tip-top models we offer at KGF Classic Cars – evoke similar feelings for me.

“I remember my Dad’s Nissan Prairie, with its quirky sliding rear doors. Around that time, my Mum had an ancient ‘strawberry-coloured’ Mini and would career around Rutland on rallies in it, with me and my sister Georgina squashed in the back with our two dogs – we would complain, but now remember those days with a smile.”

She adds: “When Karl and I first set up KGF Classic Cars, my daily vehicle was a Nissan Bluebird that cost £200. I cried the day we sold it.”

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